The Holiday Bouquet
The Holiday Bouquet
The Holiday Bouquet
The Holiday Bouquet

The Holiday Bouquet

Sale price$124.00
From: $124.00
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1% for the planet member
Feed someone with Ozharvest

Meet: The Holiday Bouquet

She's back! The Holiday Bouquet was one of our best-sellers last year, so we've brought her back again for Christmas 2023!

If you're looking for a way to really wow a special someone this Christmas, send them our Holiday Bouquet. Full of colour and gorgeous wildflowers, this generous arrangement makes for a stunning centrepiece for any table. Available for a limited time only.

About these blooms

The Holiday Bouquet features a seasonal selection of flowers and foliage, which may include Christmas bush, pincushions, leucadendrons, waxflowers and eucalyptus.

      Guaranteed on-time delivery

      If we don't deliver on your selected day / time, we'll refund or replace your order absolutely for free. That's our promise.

      We're here to help

      As an official member of 1% for the planet, we have commited to donating 1% of all our revenues to charities that help fight climate change.

      As part of this commitment, every Floraly order buys a meal for someone in need through our charity partners, Ozharvest.

      Guaranteed on-time delivery

      We promise to deliver your blooms when you want them, or we'll refund or replace your order completely for free.

      A proud member

      🌿 Joining 1% for the Planet means we contribute 1% of our sales to environmental non-profits that help protect our local ecosystems that we love so much. ⁠

      1% for the Planet was founded to prevent greenwashing, certify reputable giving and provide accountability. And to partner businesses with environmental non-profits doing amazing work. We’re excited to be a part of this incredible community